Building each other up - with God as our firm foundation Thessalonians 5: 11


At St Paul’s, we want to improve the life chances of children by ensuring that every child has access to quality experiences of literacy and that all teachers have the knowledge and resources to support our children to become confident, happy and enthusiastic writers, with all the benefits that brings. We use high quality resources to support classroom teaching and learning and work to ensure that all teachers have access to the best knowledge, research and materials to help them use quality children’s literature to raise children’s achievement. We believe that all children have the right to be literate and to have their writing skills developed through engaging texts and memorable learning experiences.

Our writing units are taught from medium term plans that are supported by robust classroom-based research.
Writing units are designed to be delivered within the context of a quality text.
The start of each lesson begins with a quick handwriting starter which links to our handwriting policy and Read Write Inc letter formation.
Punctuation and grammar learning is revisited at the start of each English lesson and skills from across the key stage are revisited regularly.
A clear structure is used to teach grammar and punctuation. Children will: spot the feature in an age-appropriate text; explore patterns or criteria for its purpose; play around with examples orally; take part in collaborative writing; apply the skill to a piece of independent writing; and will edit pre-written examples.
Each writing lesson focuses on one particular skill and children are given opportunities to apply the skills through regular writing opportunities.
Each unit of writing is carefully adapted by teachers within the context of the class text and will include a range of pedagogical approaches, such as: conscience alley; hot-seating; engaging in art and illustration; performance; shared writing; debate and argument; and book talk, to develop writing.
Throughout the writing unit, children are able to apply their newly-acquired skills to extended pieces of writing, which is then used by teachers to assess the progress and attainment of writing. Throughout the year, this information helps to inform the planning of next steps for writing, ensuring the needs of each child are met. These are called ‘Rainbow Writes’.
Writing composition is embedded throughout each writing units, giving children regular opportunities to plan their writing; outline; draft; and edit.
Writing is encouraged within a cross curricular context in order to develop subject knowledge, build vocabulary and give the children the opportunity to apply their skills across the curriculum in a way that will enhance the curriculum area.
To help reduce cognitive overload, children use a Single Sentence Outline, and a Single Paragraph Outline, to help outline ideas prior to writing. This tools are based on ideas taken from 'The Writing Revolution' by Doug Lemov.

Children who enjoy the writing process.
Children who are able to write confidently and are able to create imaginative and informative texts.
Children who have good writing stamina and are able to write at length.
Children who are able to select ambitious vocabulary choices for effect.
Children who able to write within a range of different genres.
Children who are independent learners and can use a range of skills to help them to learn.
Children who can apply writing skills confidently in a range of subjects across the curriculum.
Children who achieve high attainment, in line with the national standard or better!
St Paul's Writing process:

Single Sentence Outline:
We use the Single Sentence Outline to help children learn how to write sentences that make sense.
Single Paragraph Outline:
We use the Single Paragraph Outline to teach children how to write well-structured paragraphs. In Upper Key Stage Two, the SPO helps children to formulate carefully considered topic sentences.
