Building each other up - with God as our firm foundation Thessalonians 5: 11

Our Governors

The governors of St Paul’s Primary School are delighted to serve this school and community to fulfil their desire that all children and adults can flourish. We are dedicated to ensuring the future success of the school in which everyone achieves their God-given potential. St Paul’s has a reputation for providing education in a very supportive Christian environment. We seek to encourage and ‘build each other up’. (I Thessalonians 5:11).
We are a team of committed volunteers who bring our own: talents, skills, knowledge, experience and hopes, to fulfil the key roles of a Church of England school’s governing body:
To set distinctively Christian visions and values for our school
To set policies for our school in the context of its vision and values
To monitor and evaluate the progress of our school in terms of its vision and values
To maintain the high standards of our school by managing all of the available resources in the best interests of our pupils
To ensure that there is an effective culture of safeguarding
Put all decisions and discussion within the context of the Christian foundation of the school
During the course of our last Ofsted Inspection (September 2022) it was recognised that 'Senior leaders, along with those responsible for governance, have a clear vision. They are ambitious and want all pupils to succeed.’
We are committed to ensuring that this continues to be the case, creating a happy and stimulating environment in which our children will feel secure and be able to acquire wisdom, knowledge, and skills through the high quality teaching and learning.
None of our governors have declared interests regarding contracts within the school or with companies and securities.
All of our Governors have voting rights.
Governing Board Structure
Full Governing Body
Chair: John Gill
Vice-Chair – Liz Devers
Chair: Leanne Clarke
John Gill
Leighton Campbell
Jennifer Ferretti
Curriculum and Standards Committee
Chair: Liz Devers
Abigail Ratcliffe
Rev Dave Wills
Rebecca Cook
Catherine Pearce
Jennifer Ferretti
Premises, Health & Safety and Safeguarding
Chair: Leanne Clarke
Joseph Banla
Catherine Pearce
Jennifer Ferretti
No employees of St Paul's CofE Primary School earn a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. Click here to view the school's Financial Benchmarking Service.