Building each other up - with God as our firm foundation Thessalonians 5: 11

Headteacher's Welcome

St Paul’s Church of England Primary School is a place where children and adults from diverse backgrounds live and learn harmoniously together. We are passionate about a curriculum that allows us to grow as unique individuals as we build each other up to live life abundantly. Driven by the vision that all children will learn to love and love to learn, we work tirelessly to meet every child’s individual needs.
It is a privilege to be Headteacher at St Paul’s and lead this wonderful school, serving its families and the wider community.
As a Church of England school, we are committed to providing a fully inclusive school that is built on a Christian vision and values and prioritises the principles of community, wisdom, dignity and hope. We aim to build children who are able to both celebrate success as well as cope with disappointment, preparing them for their future lives. We are a school that seeks at every level; staff, parent and child, to serve and act with humility to live out God's will.
It is our mission to provide every child with the support and challenge that they require to be the best that they can be in all areas of the curriculum. We love to see children enjoying the acquisition of new skills and knowledge across the wider, broad and balanced curriculum. We have a motivated and aspirational leadership team who are committed to achieving the best for each and every child. Our school grounds are amazing and enable us to offer a range of physical, sporting activities and opportunities to explore and care for the natural world.
Parent partnerships are fundamental to a successful educational journey and we value the opportunity to work closely with parents and carers in an atmosphere of trust and respect, as together we seek the best for every precious child.
We hope that all who visit us in school experience the high levels of Christian care, balanced with academic expectation that makes St Paul’s such a happy, thriving school.
I look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school so that you can see and feel for yourself what an exciting and inspirational school St. Paul’s Church of England Primary School is.
Mrs Jennifer Ferretti