Building each other up - with God as our firm foundation Thessalonians 5: 11


At St Paul’s, we want our children to love physical education, and take part in a wide range of sporting activities. We are passionate and committed to ensuring that the children have no limits to what their ambitions are. We aim to enhance the children’s confidence when determining where they want their physical education to take them in the future, whether that be a personal trainer, nutritionist, sports journalist or even a gold medal winner. We believe that through the providing of positive experiences in physical activity, a lifelong interest is stimulated, which ultimately encourages a continuation into a healthy adult life for all our children. We expose the children to sports by delivering a vast range of activities, which cover all aspects of the PE National Curriculum. Our whole school approach provides an array of opportunities to be both physically active and to support learning, and this applies to all children in school. This is regardless of age, gender, race and faith. As a school, we believe that through experiences of a broad, balanced and progressive PE curriculum, the children will continue to have the motivation, confidence, physical competence, subject specific knowledge and understanding to value and take ownership for their engagement in sports. Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development.

All lessons are planned using the Complete PE scheme. The lessons focus on improvement in performance, competition and social and mental development. All key skills to support beyond the classroom.
A progression of skills is used with each year group, which enables pupils to build on core skills learnt, including regular assessments in each lesson.
PE is taught for two hours each week, both indoors and outdoors.
We have chosen Teachers ensure that our children receive quality first provision in all year groups.
All children have access to an inclusive curriculum as well access to a variety of extracurricular activities, such as after school clubs, breakfast clubs and tournaments.
Support is provided for SEND children in line with other subjects and the curriculum is adapted accordingly, meaning every child access consistent opportunity to achieve.
The children’s progress in PE is accessible by all teachers, which allows for all members of staff to have an active role in promoting the profile of physical activity, sport and PE throughout the school day.
During playtimes and lunchtimes at St Paul’s, we encourage the children to engage in physical activity and games to ensure there is an engagement in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. We have a 'trim trail' which the children have access to during play and lunch times. We promote the daily mile within school using our track on the field and make lessons practical, where appropriate, to support this further.
Our participation within sporting events raises the profile of PE further, and creates even more enjoyment out of physical activity. This closely links with our intent of allowing all our children to be physically active for life and understand the benefits and purpose of this.
Years 2, 4 and 6 children are invited to attend a residential trip where they undertake a vast range of outdoor activities with an aim to further develop a love for adventurous activities.

Children who:
Will be aware of their own learning goals and progression.
Will move through levels of challenge, as units increase in complexity.
Will make good or better progress in PE.
Will have gained confidence, self-belief and enjoyment through the activities they take part in.
Who are encouraged and inspired to take on their own independence and responsibility towards their health, fitness and well-being throughout their life.
PE Learning Journey: